“사람은 공간을 만들고, 공간은 사람을 만든다.” 잘 갖춰진 사무 공간은 구성원들의 삶과 생각에 영향을 주어 개인과 팀의 효율성을 효과적으로 향상시킵니다. 오름앤컴퍼니의 시스템 가구 브랜드는 기능성, 심미성, 편안함을 모두 갖추어, 생산적인 업무 환경을 제공합니다. 각 회사의 업무 특성에 맞춘 오름앤컴퍼니의 공간 컨설팅과, 세계적으로 검증된 브랜드의 선택을 통해 사무 공간의 새로운 에너지를 경험하세요.

“People create spaces, and spaces create people.” Well- equipped office spaces effectively enhance the efficiency of individuals and teams by influencing their lives and thoughts. The furniture brands of Aurum offer functionality, aesthetics, and comfort, providing a productive working environment. Experience the new energy of your office space through Aurum's space consulting tailored to each company's work characteristics and the selection of globally validated brands.



Canadian System Furniture brand established in 1980, with subsidiary brands StudioTK and LUUM Fabrics. With over 27 Factories in Malaysia, Canada, and other countries, Teknion has established itself as a force in the international office furniture market. Teknion offers a complete package of solutions for any office, with strong emphasis on quality steel production for desks, cabinets and height-adjustable tables.



A Spanish System Furniture brand established In 1968, broadening its business towards the Asian market.

ACTIU focuses on system furniture compromising mainly of warm tones, emphasizing it’s Mediterranean roots.

With a LEEDS platinum certification, sustainability is also key component that not only comprises the products, but also their headquarters and production



A Korean system furniture company established in 1983, with factories based within the country, Fursys occupies over 50% of the office furniture market share in Korea. With a great selection of quality products that are designed in collaboration with designers all over the world, combined with a great lead time, Fursys has a solution for any and all office spaces.



We make furniture, but what we want to do is not just beautify spaces. To grow together with people and create new possibilities We are more than just a desk. We are moving toward possibility. People's time is too limited and precious to worry about everything from a shaking desk to the complexity of wires and the movement between furniture.


협업이 중시되는 현대 사무 공간은 단순히 업무를 수행하는 단조로운 작업 환경에서 벗어나 창의적인 아이디어와 새로운 관점을 탐구하는 예술적 공간으로 변화하고 있습니다. 따라서, 적절한 휴게용 가구의 사용은 직원들 간의 공동체 의식을 키우는 데 도움이 되어, 회사의 문화를 만들며 소속감을 제공하는 역할을 합니다. 오름앤컴퍼니는 회사의 가치를 반영한 만족스러운 공간을 제안함으로써 업무의 효율성과 창의성을 높이는 경험을 선물합니다.

Modern office spaces, where collaboration is highly valued, are evolving from monotonous work environments to artistic spaces that encourage the exploration of creative ideas and new perspectives. Therefore, the use of suitable lounge furniture plays a role in fostering a sense of community among employees, creating company culture, and providing a sense of belonging. Aurum offers a satisfying space that reflects the values of the company, gifting an experience that enhances efficiency and creativity in work.



Studio TK is helping to change the culture of work. With our exclusive focus on social applications, we are creating spaces that are responsive to all the ways we work and all that our work demands. From quiet focus to creative collaboration, social spaces are empowering people to choose how, where and with whom they do their best work. They are where connections are formed and communities are built. Studio TK is helping bridge the gap between the spaces where we work and the work culture we aspire to create. By harnessing the power of our social applications, we are creating a new type of workplace that is improving wellbeing and increasing productivity across the office.



A Danish furniture company co-founded by Mette and Rolf Hay in 2002, HAY has been committed to working with their generation’s best designers from all over the world to create high-quality products catering to a wide audience.

HAY offers a wide range of products including toothbrush, to a paper bin, to a sofa, taking inspiration from every day life.



An Italian company founded by Luigi Bardini, Miniforms was initially a stable sales company in the mid 90s. The company was then taken over by his three sons in 2009, after which the company made drastic changes. The company specializes in round, avant-garde style furniture utilizing bold colors such yellow red and green – recently experimenting with recycled plastic as well.



A Spanish company founded in 1977 in San Sebastian, now located in Irun - Sellex boasts a history of over 40 years with close collaborations with prestigious designers. Sellex focuses on high quality, sustainable products that are made to last, timeless in design that also preserve the environment – the brand has received numerous awards throughout the years, including the National Design Award 2011.



An Italian company founded in 1980 by Francesco Miari, Biba Salotti’s headquarters in factory is located in the city of Parma. Biba Salotti is widely renowned within Italy in the field of design upholstery, offering sofas, sofa beds and lounge tables with unique luxurious textiles.



A Spanish company with a history dating back to 1967 by two brothers, with the factory and headquarters based Valencia.

Capdell has an endless selection of high quality, sustainable seating that are mainly comprised of wood, combining craftsmanship with classic aesthetics



An Italian company with over 50 years of expertise in the field, Crassevig has an endless catalogue of seating from armchairs, stools to lounge chairs and tables. They emphasize design, color and flexibility, offering seating solutions to any environment with an endless combination of shapes, woods and upholstery.



Bõln collections have been developed to inspire and stimulate the creative design of shared spaces. Versatile proposals with multiple options for different arrangements and a great performance, produced under eco-friendly and health standards.


업무 공간에서 발생하는 소음은 일의 효율을 떨어뜨리며 구성원들의 스트레스를 유발하므로, 더 나은 사무 환경을 만들기 위한 노력에는 적절한 흡음제의 사용이 중요합니다. 오름앤컴퍼니의 어쿠스틱 브랜드는 세계적인 음향 전문가와 협력한 제품으로 공간에 적합한 소리환경을 제공함으로써 실내 음향 효과를 개선하고 불필요한 소음 레벨을 저하 시킵니다. 또한, 매혹적인 디자인으로 개성을 표현함과 동시에 심리적으로 안정감을 주어 업무 효율을 향상시킵니다.

Noise generated in work spaces reduces work efficiency and causes stress among members. Therefore, the use of appropriate sound-absorbing materials is important in efforts to create a better office environment. Aurum's acoustic brand offers products developed in collaboration with world-renowned acoustic experts, providing a suitable sound environment for the space, improving indoor acoustic effects, and reducing unnecessary noise levels. Additionally, the fascinating design expresses individuality and provides psychological stability, enhancing work efficiency.



Abstracta has been working to create better soundscapes since 1972 making it a pioneer of acoustics. Their products meet a variety of acoustic needs, including sound-absorbent screens, or innovative furniture with integrated acoustic characteristics. Abstracta’s factory is based in Småland, Sweden, with customs based all around the world.



A family business found in 1983, the head office and factory of LINTEX is based in the town of Nybro in southern Sweden.

LINTEX manufactures writing boards for schools and offices, while adding style and design expertise in a field in which aesthetics have always been a second thought. Using materials such tempered glass, high end textiles, solid wood and enameled steel, and designed by Scandinavia’s leading designers, LINTEX offers writing boards with style and design expertise.



DeVorm is an up and coming brand from the Netherlands, offering a range of products that includes not only furniture but also acoustic panels. Devorm prides itself as a sustainable brand using recycled eco-friendly material, namely recycled PET material. Devorm takes into account both the sustainability and economic aspects, offering no waste in their manufacturing process.



A Danish furniture company co-founded by Mette and Rolf Hay in 2002, HAY has been committed to working with their generation’s best designers from all over the world to create high-quality products catering to a wide audience. HAY offers a wide range of products including toothbrush, to a paper bin, to a sofa, taking inspiration from every day life.

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